Take A Look Inside Sorceress Synopsis The dread Dark Ireland once again threatens Tara. The Amaranths hold the sorcery powers and guard the legacy of the Wolfkings, but as Nechtan, the old Amaranth ruler, lies on his deathbed, an ancient evil is already stirring in...
Take A Look Inside Rebel Angel SynopsisExcerpt The time when the wolfkings ruled Ireland was over. And so it seemed for the banished, bastard wolf-prince, Nuadu Airgetlam. He certainly did not want to reclaim the High Throne from the tyrannical Giants of Gruagach, or...
Take A Look Inside “Before long you find yourself engrossed…” Fear Magazine The Lost Prince SynopsisExcerpt Grainne, the Wolfqueen, grand-daughter of the infamous Cormac and the Time Traveller, Joanna, is exiled from Tara by the forces of the Dark Ireland. If the...
Take A Look Inside “Delicately wrought…” The Times “Before long you find yourself engrossed…” Fear “Perhaps the best fantasy on Celtic legend that I’ve ever read…” Lester Del Rey Wolfking SynopsisExcerpt Following the terror of the Apocalypse, life in the Irish...